
Shambhala is a global network of people who have confidence in the fundamental goodness and worthiness of humanity, and the power of that goodness to shift the social and environmental dynamics of our planet.

Becoming a Shambhala members is an invitation and opportunity to participate in creating good human society. Membership is open to anyone from any background, culture, faith or walk of life — all are welcome!

Although membership is not required to participate in much of what the Center has to offer, without our community’s financial and volunteer support, we would not be able to offer all the wonderful programs, practice sessions, and events that we do.  It is because of our members that the profound tradition of meditation is able to survive and flourish. Member monthly contributions are the financial backbone of our Shambhala Center.

Membership Benefits:

Connection with our community by becoming a member helps support your practice and strengthen your understanding of Shambhala Buddhism in many ways:

  • Ongoing meditation instruction with a personal meditation instructor
  • Invitations to community events, programs, and classes
  • Membership pin and practice book
  • Automatic membership in Shambhala’s world-wide network
  • Access to member resources at



Membership is a gesture of support to Shambhala principles and practices, and is expressed in the following four areas:

The Practice of Community/Society: Shambhala is a community that practices the teachings on basic goodness, and explores and develops a culture within our communities that embodies that profound principle. Membership offers active engagement in contemplating and building a different kind of society altogether.

Meditation Practice: A member of Shambhala makes a connection to mindfulness-awareness practice, and works to integrate that practice into daily life in order to create a foundation for healthy social relationships and an enlightened society. Please indicate if you would like to meet with a Meditation Instructor to help you incorporate practice into your daily life.

Volunteer Service: The majority of Shambhala activities are conducted by volunteers, and there are many ways to help. Opportunities are available at commitment levels of as little as one hour a month. Members donate time to the local center based on their interests and personal availability.

Financial Contribution: Your financial contribution helps sustain the global activity of Shambhala and allows our San Diego Center to offer meditation, community events, and courses throughout the year. Our members have diverse means and so they can offer a wide range of monthly contributions. No one is excluded from membership because of money.

While we do not have set levels of membership dues, we do have a few ways for you to think about the right level of support to fit your inspiration and your finances. The suggested ranges may be helpful as a guide to help determine what is right for you. If you would like to speak with someone about membership and how to decide the right monthly amount that fits your circumstance and how to make that financial contribution to the center happen, please contact [email protected] and your request will be routed to the appropriate person. Suggested monthly donation levels:
$10 – $40
$41 – $80
$81 – $249
$250 – $500
Over $500

How do I become a Member of Shambhala?

  • Pick up and fill in a “Become a Member” brochure at the Shambhala Center or download here: SDSMC Membership Brochure OR
  • Email [email protected] with “Membership” in the Subject line and our membership coordinator will get back to you. You can also use this email for any questions about membership.